Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Message from me to My Teachers

   I don't really know how to express what I want to say, but I'm gonna try. Here it goes....
                Dear Teachers',
                                  I want to thank you for everything, as in EVERYTHING you've done and sacrificed for me and your students. Thank you for helping me learn from my mistakes. Thank you for constantly encouraging and supporting me to participate and do well in class, even though I don't really do those things regularly. Thank you that you have been patient with us. I don't really know how you tolerate the noise of each class. If I were in your place, I would have broke down on the first few minutes of the period. I want to really thank you for being my teacher, my guide, and my friend. Wow! 3-in-1! Without you, I don't know what's gonna happen to me.
                                 I want to say sorry for being a disrespectful student. I didn't realize the struggles you go through just for us to learn. I sometimes make noise in your class, do things I shouldn't be doing, I don't follow what you say and many more mistakes I did. I am really sorry for making you mad sometimes. Sometimes we never think before we act and that's why this happens.
                                 You have been a great inspiration to me and I hope you'll be one to others too. I love you guys! You're the best! Lastly, I want to say...
                HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY!!!
                                 I hope you could enjoy the rest of your day and may God bless you and continue to watch over you.

                                                                                                                                     Your Student,

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